It is a very bad idea for you to rely solely on the internet for marketing your business. The internet can take you far but it is a mistake to not look into other ways of getting your products and services noticed. You may be doing well now but sooner or later your main traffic streams may die out so you might as well differentiate your business now with methods that aren’t at all effected by the search engines.
Once you include offline marketing into your business model you have just opened the doors to an unlimited number of new customers. Think about it: don’t you want to make as many sales as possible? And every advanced marketer understands the great potential that offline marketing can offer their business. Here are some tried and true methods of offline marketing that you can use to promote your business.
Almost every newspaper has a classified ads section. There are many online classified sites, the most popular is probably Craigslist. You could just as easily advertise in a local newspaper’s classified section. A well placed three line classified ad can bring in more potential buyers than twelve ads in online classified sites. It’s true that you can’t advertise in a newspaper for free like you can on Craigslist, but if it turns out to be a lot more effective, wouldn’t you be willing to pay the small fee? By doing this you’ll be reaching a whole population of people who read papers but don’t have computers; they can, of course, go online at the library or internet cafe if they want to visit your website or buy from you!
Television advertising is another way to get the attention of potential new buyers. TV commercials are perfect because a very large amount of people will be sitting in front of the TV watching your ad and if it strikes a nerve in them they can go over to their computer and visit your site. This can be expensive so you need to test your sales strategy first. This is definitely advertising that you will want to save up for – unless of course the station is willing to take your services in trade for the cost of the ads that you want to run. Also, you can get a cheaper rate on your pricing if you choose to run your ad at any time other than prime-time. Don’t let fear of running a TV commercial keep you from advertising because this can be the thing that works for your you in a big way.
The phone book can be used for advertising. Internet marketers overlook this basic resource as a suitable place to advertise. Yes most people have started using the internet to look up phone numbers and addresses and local businesses. But there is an upside besides all of the large phone books also publish an online version.
Cover both bases. Make sure that you have both cornered to get the maximum benefit. Don’t ignore phone books like other internet marketers.
Offline marketing is vital if you want to see continuous growth in your business. You just need some creativity, some patience and some willingness to spend a little bit of money. We are internet marketers and spend hours a day online but don’t make the mistake of thinking that the rest of the world does too. Check out search engine optimization Raleigh experts for more tips. For years, the top internet marketers haven woven offline techniques into their online online enterprises, and they never would have made it there if they had ignored offline marketing. So, what seems like the smart thing to do?